About 46 years ago, I was born in Münster (NRW, Germany). I am a mathematician and specialize in discrete and combinatorial optimization. You can find me on the website of the Mathematics Genealogy Project. My Erdős number is at most 4, by the way.
To get an impression of my area of expertise, just visit the website of my current employer OPTANO GmbH or have a look at the website of the Discrete Optimization Research Group where I worked during my doctoral studies. For a more popular scientific angle on both the topic and the contribution of my PhD thesis, I refer to my competition entry for the Klaus Tschira Award for Comprehensive Science from 2012. In addition, you can browse through my curriculum vitae or my list of publications.
Regarding leisure activities, I enjoy listening to music, watching movies, driving my bike, playing computer games, brewing coffee and solving all kinds of math/logic puzzles and brain teasers.
OK, that should do. Brevity is the soul of wit.